In-store Integration Guide
Based on previous experience the carrier needs a minimum of 30 business days to complete the first integration. The time data provided is indicative and should not be used as a basis but as a reference for time estimation. It should be remembered that the execution time of individual steps depends individually on the carrier and the complexity of its system as well as the possibility of adapting it to the needs of the Public Carrier Protocol.
1. Implementation of the PCP server and client on the carrier's side.
This step involves the carrier performing the pre-advise flow for the client and the server for handling events such as Ingestion, delivery or return of the parcel. Implementation must be performed in accordance with the provided interface documentation. To facilitate the implementation, the carrier receives access to the stage environment and the ability to test individual flows in cooperation with QA Ingrid.
2. First tests after implementation
In this step, the In-store team, in close cooperation with the carrier, thoroughly tests the integration. It is tested (depends on carrier):
- Parcel ingestion to the rack and delivery without ID check
- Parcel ingestion to the rack and delivery with ID check
- Parcel ingestion to the rack and overdue (passive return)
- Customer return to the service desk
- Parcel ingestion to the locker and delivery without ID check
- Parcel ingestion to the locker and delivery with ID check
- Parcel ingestion to the locker and overdue (passive return)
- Customer return to the locker
3. Implementation of corrections of inconsistencies detected during testing.
In this step, the carrier makes corrections to its integration in order to eliminate issues detected during the tests.
4. Regression tests
This is the decisive step to complete the integration with the new carrier. The same tests are performed as in the case of step 2. If errors are detected, step 3 is repeated and step 4 is repeated until all errors encountered are eliminated.
1. Implementation made by the carrier
Based on previous experience the carrier needs a minimum of 30 business days to complete the first integration. This can however vary greatly depending on previously existing system support on the carrier side.
2. Tests after implementation
Testing the full flow and reporting issues for the first time takes about 7 business days
3. Implementation of fixes for detected problems
The carrier can make the necessary corrections within 10 working days. This time may be extended depending on the complexity of the carrier's manufacturing processes
4. Regression tests
Regression tests take about 5 working days.