The Ingrid Delivery Tracking Notifications system is based on triggers. Notification triggers are specific conditions or events that will automatically initiate the sending of notifications to customers. A trigger can be configured for multiple channels and is compatible with external integrations as well as Ingrid Default notifications.
Progress based Notifications Triggers
Progress-based triggers are designed to inform the End Customer about the status of their parcels as they move through the delivery process. Those triggers are invoked by the change of step in the Harmonised Progress and each of those can be configured using any of the available channels.
There are two ways a change in the progress steps can activate a tigger:
- Progress moves directly to a step with a dedidated Progress Notification. A trigger specific to that step will be invoked automatically.
- Progress skips the step with a dedicated trigger and moves directly to the next step that does not have its own trigger. In this scenario, a trigger specific to the lastest step supporting a dedicated trigger will be invoked automatically.
The actual delivery process can be unpredictable, and some steps might be skipped. No worries, though, Notifications Triggers will be fired and the End Customers updated as long as the delivery keeps moving forward.
To avoid overwhelming End Customers with messages, we implemented a mechanism filtering out redundant Progress Triggers. This ensures system won't activate multiple progress based triggers for the same delivery step or outdated information if a newer update is available.
Logic and event based Notifications Triggers
Logic- and event-based Notifications Triggers foster a proactive communication approach by leveraging rule-based logic. This enables Triggers to activate in response to non-progress events or other predefined conditions. Similar to Progress Triggers, these Triggers can be configured for each of the available channels.
Non-progress events refer to all of the other events Ingrid Tracking system receives that do not have a dedicated step in the Harmonised Progress. Some examples include:
- carrier events such as a delayed delivery or failed delivery attempt,
- information from an exteral system that an order receipt document is available,
- information from a WMS about an order cancellation.
Rule-based logic allows to define a set of conditions that must be met in order to activate a trigger.
Ingrid Notifications Triggers
The list of currently available Ingrid Notifications Triggers:
Trigger Name | Description |
Ingrid - Order Confirmed | Order succesfully created from checkout session or registered from an external system |
Ingrid - Order Confirmed Centra | Order confirmed by Centra by an authorized payment |
Ingrid - Order Prepared | Order prepared by Warehouse and ready for shipping |
Ingrid - Cancelled | Order cancelled by Merchant as all ordered items are not available (zero pick) |
Ingrid - Cancelled by Customer | Order cancelled on Customer's request, before fulfilment is done (grace period) |
Ingrid - Short Pick Items | Some of the ordered items are not avaiable and order will be partially fulfilled (short pick) |
Ingrid - Submitted To Carrier | Parcel handed over to carrier |
Ingrid - Submission Delayed | Submission to carrier will take longer that initially estimated |
Ingrid - En Route | Parcel in transit |
Ingrid - Delivery Delayed | Carrier informed Ingrid about the delay in delivery |
Ingrid - Out For Delivery | Parcel handed out for final mile delivery |
Ingrid - Delivery Failed | A failed delivery attempt happened |
Ingrid - Delivered to Pickup Point | Parcel arrived to pick-up location and is waiting for End Customer collection |
Ingrid - Delivered To Consumer | Parcel delivered to Customer's home delivery destination / parcel collected by Customer from pick-up location |
Ingrid - Pickup Point Reminder | Parcel not yet collected by Customer from a pick-up location |
Ingrid - Sent Back | Parcel not picked up in time by Customer and sent back to Merchant |
Ingrid - Return Confirmation | Return shipment received at Warehouse |
Ingrid - Order Receipt | PDF receipt for order available |
Ingrid - Return Receipt | PDF receipt for a full order refund available |
Ingrid - Price Adjustment Receipt | PDF for price corrections available |
Ingrid - Returned to Store | Order returned by Customer to Store |
Ingrid - Returned to Warehouse | Order returned by Customer to Warehouse |
Ingrid - Parcel Refused No Reason | Parcel refused by customer without specifying a reason |
Ingrid - Parcel Refused Not Wanted | Parcel refused by customer because it was either ordered by mistake or is not needed anymore |
Ingrid - Parcel Refused Goods Damaged | Parcel refused by customer due to contents being damaged |
Ingrid - Parcel Refused Packaging Damaged | Parcel refused by customer due to packaging being damaged |
Ingrid - Parcel Not Collected | Customer did not pickup the parcel within the deadline |
Ingrid Notifications Triggers are based on use cases gathered from our Merchants. If you find a scenario where existing triggers won't be sufficient, please reach out to Ingrid Customer Success with the details of your case.